Tanach Bible App Reviews

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Just bought it.

I just bought the app & was disappointed in the lack of "options" features such as: controlling the font size, bookmarks, history, notes, etc. if anything at all, I would like to have the option to control the font size & an option for having a full screen of only the English translation to go along with the other formats.

Great App!

Great resource and easy and convenient to use.

Need more options

I want to go from Book to Book in the search mode. At present, the search options are too limited. I do not speak Hebrew, but I like that the Tanach is more complete and accurate than the KJV of the Bible.

Superb app!!

This app was made solely with the user in mind. It works very well. Has translation on all of tanach for fraction of what they could charge. My favorite part: you can type any word and a massive search will come up containing any time the word is used in tanach. You can also narrow the search to a specific Sefer. I highly recommend this app especially to use for reference or finding a specific passuk.

Perfect + Add English Rashi Translation

I cannot ask for a better app but I hope you will integrate the English Rashi (even as an in-app purchase). Thank you!


This week is Shavuot and I went to look up and prepare myself for a family reading of the ten commandments… to my surprise the English translation of this version has taken on that of the King James Bible, in that it uses the words “thou shall not kill” instead of the proper “thou shall not murder”. These words have fundamentally different meanings and it leads me to wonder what other portions have been creatively edited to further degrade the Torah. Thou shall not add nor subtract from the laws of G_D.

Must have.

This app has served me very well now for the past 2+ yrs and I could live with out it. Very user friendly & no nonsense!

Great resource

Does exactly what it says and does it well. My only wish is for a dictionary / lexicon tied into it to assist with reading.

Search function.

Great app but since the last update the search function has been stopped working if you search in the chapter and part sections. Only in the book section the search works.


Its not a great translation. It leaves out words when translating, and sometime it will add an extra few words that arent in the pasuk. A direct translation would be preferred.

Split cultured person

I think I have asburgers or something but after translating - it makes sense.... Life makes sense. The world make sense. This app makes sense.


Works great I love it Thanks

I Love The Tanakh

I truly enjoy this. However I would that I could see the highlighting and quicker access to my notes. There also aught to be some sort of tutorial for using it and explain it; I still dont know, nor can I find out anywhere, what the (K) is for — and its all through the Scriptures.

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